Parent Surveys

Parent satisfaction is the strongest endorsement a school can receive. Word-of-mouth advertising by parents from your school is far more powerful than glossy brochures, flyers, newspaper ads or even TV campaigns. Happy parents (and students) are one of your greatest assets but unhappy parents binderlayingopen_550x634can quickly damage a school’s reputation.

Traditional parent opinion surveys gather data on parent satisfaction but often don’t provide enough specific information. The school leadership team is often lft to interpret the data and presume ‘why’ some parents aren’t happy.

Many parent opinion surveys only sample a small number of families. The results are unreliable. The on-line format of Survey My School Parent Surveys allows schools to survey all families and gather more reliable information.

Parent Surveys are INTERACTIVE, include all families and provide specific feedback for the school leadership team on emerging issues within the school. Parents who express that they are dissatisfied with an aspect of the school are asked further questions to clarify their specific concern and identify potential solutions. The survey not only measures parent satisfaction but also identifies specific areas of concern and actions to address them.


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